Our Journey Through Peri/Menopause

Volume 1: Hormones and symptoms

Welcome to the first edition of the Fempower Health: Perimenopause & Menopause newsletter! 🎉

We are excited to launch this dedicated space to support women navigating the complex journey of peri/menopause. This newsletter is designed to provide you with expert advice, real-life stories, and the community support you need to thrive during this phase of life.

In this issue, we explore common symptoms, treatment options, and empowering stories to help you manage your health with confidence.

🎧 This Week’s Health Beat 💜

Since the new Fempower Health episodes are still in the works (launching this fall), we’re sharing some of the top-listened-to episodes on perimenopause and menopause so far. These episodes feature leading experts and are packed with relatable stories and helpful advice. 

This is our most popular episode on the entire podcast! Dr. Alyssa Dweck discusses the common symptoms of perimenopause and effective treatment options.

“Not all OBGYNs want to or are trained to see so many menopausal patients. My field has split into obstetrics and gynecology and surgery and sexual health—menopause experts are almost sub-specialists.”

Dr. Alyssa Dweck

Dr. Lara Briden shares her expertise in hormone repair and management after 40. This episode has a lot of practical advice for women experiencing hormonal changes during peri/menopause.

“Perimenopause is anywhere between two to 10 years before the final period. It starts in our late thirties or forties. If there are going to be symptoms—and not all women have symptoms— they are usually at their worst during perimenopause.”

Dr. Lara Briden

Dr. Lauren Streicher discusses the lesser-known symptoms of menopause and the importance of education in managing these changes.

"The power of education cannot be understated when it comes to menopause. Understanding the changes happening in your body is the first step towards managing symptoms effectively."

Dr. Lauren Streicher

Did you know?

We have a new podcast feed and playlist specifically for menopause. Make sure you sign up to never miss a new episode!

The Latest News in Menopausal Health 

Women who had perinatal depression may have mental health symptoms during perimenopause.

A recent article in Psychology Today points out the connection between perinatal depression and perimenopause. The research suggests women who experience perinatal depression are at a higher risk of developing depressive symptoms during perimenopause. This connection hints at the importance of monitoring mental health across different life stages and providing targeted support for women transitioning through these phases. 

Menopause and retirement, a “culture of silence” in Australia.

In Australia and other countries around the world, a shocking number of women are retiring early for menopausal health reasons. Many women report feeling dismissed by healthcare providers regarding their menopause symptoms, contributing to significant workplace challenges and a loss of experienced talent. The economic impact of menopause-related early retirements could cost the Australian economy billions. Advocates are calling for greater awareness and supportive workplace policies to help women navigate menopause effectively and retain their valuable contributions to the workforce.

Want the Latest in Pelvic Health as Well? 

Are you also dealing with chronic pelvic pain? Our dedicated newsletter for pelvic health focuses on managing pain. Subscribe now for tailored content that supports your health journey. 

Join now—or share with someone who might want to!

Around The World of Women’s Health 

August is National Wellness Month. This is the time to be intentional and prioritize your well-being physically, emotionally, and socially. As we navigate the changes of menopause, let’s focus on self-care, community support, and empowering each other’s wellness journeys.

“With a woman’s life expectancy at 84 years, it is reasonable to expect that she will not only live thirty to forty years beyond menopause, but be vibrant, sharp, and influential as well.”

― Christiane Northrup, The Wisdom of Menopause

What’s Next?

Stay tuned for upcoming social media content, podcast episodes, and newsletters next week! Follow the specially-made-for-you Instagram, TikTok, X, and Facebook to follow along as we develop this incredible community.

Excited to connect with you again next week!

- Georgie 


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